The equipment sold by POWERUPESS is designed by the manufacturer to be installed only by licensed, trained, and insured solar electrical installation professionals.
We strongly advise the customer to seek the assistance of such a professional to exclusively perform the implementation of any of these products, and we make no warranty of the purchaser’s safety, success of equipment implementation, or compliance with local codes and regulations. POWERUPESS disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including but not limited to, any implied warranty with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the information they disseminate and /or fitness of the materials sold for a particular purpose.
All installation advice provided by PowerUpESS before, during, or after purchase of solar equipment is purely for the purpose of general concept education and must not replace the expertise of a licensed and trained solar specialist. The Customer agrees to full indemnification for PowerUP ESS henceforth from any legal recourse relating to and arising out of the installation of the products purchased by the customer.